Thursday, July 31, 2008

7-31-08 6 weeks

We are officially at the end of our 6 week re-coup period. Tristan is happy and is doing well, he has not quite made the progress that I had hoped for but I will accept anything that means he feels even a little better. The limp he had in his front leg has been back for a couple weeks off and on, more on than off. I have stopped taking him for his short walks even though he looks to go, I am afraid it is not in his best interest to over-due it. He still appears to be happier and stronger. I do most everything on- leash, even in the house so that he does not go to fast and hurt himself. The video below was taken off leash so you could see how he moves without me taking weight off with his harness.


Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart to see the limp............

Anonymous said...

Great work.