Friday, October 3, 2008

10-3-08 We had a good day !

This past Monday, Tristan went for his 2nd Adequan shot. I only noticed a slight improvement up till now from the 1st shot. Today however was a very good day. Usually first thing in the morning he is very stiff but today he hardly limped at all on his morning walk. He will get a 3rd shot on this coming Monday. In the next few weeks he will go in to have the tumor that was found on his rear leg removed. We have decided that at that time we will also use the remaining stem cell shot in his front leg. It seemed very unlikely that I would put him under anesthesia in the upcoming year for the sole purpose of using that remaining shot so it just seemed that the wisest thing to do would be to do it now since he would be under anyway.
You can see in the video from today that he was much more comfortable. It gives me such joy to see him have a good day. Hopefully now, without having to ever do any steps, his improvements will last a while longer...and with the next injection of stem cells he will improve further so the winter won`t be so hard on him.


Anonymous said...

I'm SO HAPPY to hear that "Tristan" is doing SO MUCH better!! I'm a "firm believer" in ADEQUAN shots as you well know and continued success with them!!!

Anonymous said...

Tristan looks really great in these shots! I keep checking on how he's doing, and this bit of film is so heartening!
Vasco sends his love. He's becoming quite a swimmer.
