Friday, November 28, 2008

6 weeks after 2nd treatment

Tristan has been doing very well for the last 4 weeks. That is no to say he never limps, but his limp is considerably less than before his injection. His morning walks are virtually limp free as you can see from the video and he is quite spunky. The 2nd video is dark but it shows a bit of his enthusiasm in the morning at a time when his leg was usually quite bad. He will never be young again but I feel that this has added to the quality of his life considerably.

Friday, November 7, 2008

11-6-08 New Progress

It has now been 3 weeks since Tristan`s 2nd stem cell treatment. I hesitate to say this but it has been 4 days now with hardly a limp at all. I noticed on Monday that he was having a good day and it is now Friday and it continues. We have been having some very damp weather as well which would normally make anyone with arthritis worse. I am still keeping him confined to his room for the most part and only going for short walks to potty for another 3 weeks as per the vet-stem instructions. I hope the progress continues or at least stays as good as it has been this week.