Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1 2009 - OsteoDex ? Something New to try !!

Well, almost 5 months have passed since our last update. Shorty after the November entry we had a litter of pups here and things became very hectic. Tristan continued to do very well for about 8 weeks and just as fast as he improved, he went back to the way he was before. It was very sad for me to watch him begin to limp again. He seems to have gotten quite old lately as he is approaching his 14th birthday. He was recently diagnosed hyperthyroid and started on meds for that and will be re-checked shortly to make sure it was nothing else.There have been several bouts with his legs that have required steroids. At this point he is on dexamethasone every day and has been for several weeks. It has helped him tremendously but is not something I want to continue. A new product has been brought to my attention called OsteoDex. It sounds very promising. We will begin treatment in just a few short days and I will keep you updated on his progress. I will add a new video so that you can see where he is at before he starts the new supplements..keep your fingers crossed for my boy!!